
Pebbled Plunder Tracker

Track which shiny pebbles you already gifted Einar to fulfill the accomplishment Pebbled Plunder. Gift 8 out of 10 shiny pebbles to Einar to receive the achievement.

    Pebbled Plunder Tracker

    0 / 10

    IconBlue Shiny Pebble
    IconGreen Shiny Pebble
    IconLarge Shiny Pebble
    IconLumpy Shiny Pebble
    IconOrange Shiny Pebble
    IconPurple Shiny Pebble
    IconRed Shiny Pebble
    IconSmall Shiny Pebble
    IconSmooth Shiny Pebble
    IconYellow Shiny Pebble